Monday, May 12, 2014

Camp King Daniel - Royal African Heritage & Legacy - Poligamy, Eden, Backwards Tribe

Wreck Beach: By 3PM am on the sand once again.
Yesterday the memory came to me of a documentary of which I watched companies use employees to operate dredging equipment came to my mind of how they dig up ancient bedrock (coral reefs) to build what appears to be a ghostly business town./ Dubai.

A bird (red, yellow on the wings and black body) lands on a wooden pole near to where am about to pitch tent. The bird seem to want  my attention or the bird appears to be saying hi there!

For about 30 sec I stare (chirpping bird sound), (Fly's off into the direction of my backyard (a shower curtain of fabric on the ground and I drew a circle around it in the sand.

After I set my stuff (bags) down and start on some a art piece I brought with me to do thhat the same bird comes back on the pole does some chirping and then flys back to his home area I suppose.

At that moment I put my slippers on and went to see what the bird has in store because it sure seems like the bird wants me to come or go over (about 100Meters) from my Pad.

So I go over and checking things out as I walk on the grassy area looking down at my steps and get to where I saw the bird fly.

Standing there for a moment absorbing the situation for about 1 minute. After that short time I get back going along the same lines where the marshy part and I can see some water so I did not want to get any closer.

As I kept the steady steps up noticed out of the grass slipping away from me was a red, yellow brownish foot and 1/2 long snake 1/2 inch in diameter.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Early Childhood Post Traumatic Stress

by Archangel Star Tadashii

A Lifestyle by Light

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The Garden of Eden
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