We haven't seen each other for over 2 month and it was day time when Aleston, saw me. Aleston as he saw me come walking towards where his mother was darted back into the store leaving his mother and I standing and immediately exchanging words to the effect. Of course the blame shifting began and in no time the company I was in came to me and then took me away...
On sunday as I rode down from my event organizers place going south on Dufferin from off Dupont I heard a voice of a female call me by my first name. Leslie! As I looked over onto the sidewalk it was my estranged wife and our son. It was the same old attitude about negativity eating through the layer of possible positvety
On sunday as I rode down from my event organizers place going south on Dufferin from off Dupont I heard a voice of a female call me by my first name. Leslie! As I looked over onto the sidewalk it was my estranged wife and our son. It was the same old attitude about negativity eating through the layer of possible positvety
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