Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Car Free Day - Commercial Drive

Car Free day everyday for kids and the future.
Why not just continue the goodness from heart, the restaurant table and chairs on the street looked great, except they should have been a perfect begining for that BIA to keep the street green and for kids to take back the street, get the cars underground and combinations like hover in midair to there destinations and those parked cars that take up the street where cyclist weave in and out of traffic making it an obstacle to keep a smile on ones face on a beautiful sun day..

Hasting Street Alley way Video

Friday, June 15, 2012

University of British Columbia - Electric Bus

How many professors do we have to strip naked before the trollies run into University of British Columbia

All Colleges, Public Schools enrolled with students should find clean accessible , that is designated green areas for where a concentration of people bustling through the streets city streets support zero gas vehicle tolerance, jail time, community work and or maximum fines..

We need fresh air, global warming alert awareness, clear heads in class and not low energy low que negative mentality. Student pay into their course and deserve  complete green transport alternatives directly to their destination hassle free

Getting to UBC by Bus

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Visual Depression

Depression, visual acuity, comorbidity, and disability associated with age-related macular degeneration.

Can Major Depression Improve the Perception of Visual Motion?

Block all www.jneurosci.org results
by P Wallisch - 2009 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
These results suggest that lower GABA levels in depressed subjects have functional implications for the perception of visual motion in a way that is consistent ...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cobalt Hotel

When I arrived in Vancouver it was a surprise to see Astra Holmes welcome me at the sight of us meeting since that last winter in Toronto saw me put her up for a month from the woman' s shelter across the road from the place I was staying at the time. Astra said lets go am going to help you get a place today and boy was she determined. So we started to walk around the east side of the area to find out where this temporary workshop space for producing art and the material of recycled paper. In no way do I see it as permanent.By being at that particular address it will be the place for now until then from time to time as often as daily am resting to gain strength for a next work day. Slowly but surely am replacing the heavy wood on the emergency heart cart that was donated to me from Occupy Vancouver when I arrived 4 month ago.